[2016] FWC 7768


Fair Work Act 2009

s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards—Award stage – sub-group 3C
(AM2014/223 and others)



4 yearly review of modern awards - award stage - sub-group 3C - Maritime Awards.

[1] Section 156 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) requires the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) to review all modern awards every four years (the Review). In the Award stage of the Review the 122 modern awards have been divided into four groups and each group has been divided into sub-groupings. Group 3 was divided into sub-groupings 3A–3D.

[2] The purpose of this Statement is to provide an update as to the status of the review of the following awards in sub-group 3C:

[3] The Commission published exposure drafts together with comparison documents showing the changes made to the structure and language in the award for each of the Maritime Awards on 15 January 2016. Interested parties were provided with an opportunity to file written submissions and submissions in reply on the drafting and technical issues in the exposure drafts. A summary of submissions was published for each of the Maritime Awards between 23 and 30 May 2016 and on 6 June 2016 a mention was held in Sydney to:

[4] Following the 6 June 2016 mention, revised summaries of submissions (the revised summaries) were published for each of the Maritime Awards on 24 June 2016. A conference in relation to the review of these awards was held in Sydney on 4 August 2016 to discuss the issues listed in the revised summaries.

[5] Reports setting out the matters discussed at the 4 August 2016 conference in respect of each of the Maritime Awards are attached to this Statement as follows:

[6] A brief summary of the outstanding technical and drafting matters for each of the Maritime Awards is set out below.

[7] Draft directions setting out the process for dealing with the outstanding matters (items 2, 6, 7–11, 13, 14 and 25 of the revised summary of submissions) are set out at Attachment 6 to this Statement. Any comments on the draft directions are to be filed by 4.00 pm on Monday 14 November 2016.

[8] In relation to item 12, the Commission has included weekly and hourly aggregated wage rates for a shiftworker classified as a ‘trailer master’ or ‘chief engineer’. These rates have been calculated based on the methodology used for calculating the ‘trailer shift master’ shiftworker rate. In addition, on 7 October 2016 the Commission’s research area sent the interested parties correspondence 1 in relation to the ‘aggregate wage’. The correspondence set out findings in relation to the ‘aggregate wage’ definition and a calculation method that the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) had filed in the Commission during the award modernisation process of 2008–09. Interested parties are asked to confirm if the MUA’s methodology is correct and if so, whether it is proposed that the modern award rates be adjusted accordingly. The correspondence was also published to the Review website (AM2014/223). On 17 October 2016, a submission was received from the MUA.2 The MUA submitted as follows:

[9] In relation to item 13 – the higher duties provision – the Commission’s research area has published research in relation to the provision’s award history with the issuing of this Statement. 3

[10] In relation to item 14, wage rates tables have been inserted for full-time, part-time and casual employees who may be entitled to the dual certificate allowance that is payable for all purposes. Parties are asked to consider which employees may act in a dual capacity of master and engineer.

[11] The Australian Workers’ Union has withdrawn part of its claim with respect to item 20 and is now proposing that clause 13.3(a) be amended as follows:

[12] In their submissions in reply to the revised Exposure Draft, the parties are to confirm whether they wish to pursue the issues raised at items 21 and 22 of the revised summary of submissions.

[13] There are no technical and drafting matters outstanding in relation to the Marine Towage Award 2010.

[14] There is one outstanding matter (item 5) that will be determined by the Group 3 Full Bench on the basis of the written submissions already filed.

[15] Items 2 and 12 will be addressed after the AM2016/5 Full Bench has determined the substantive issues in relation to coverage (items 1, 3 and 4 of the revised summary of submissions).

[16] Directions will be issued in relation to the filing of further material with respect to items 7, 9, 20 and 23 of the revised summary of submissions. In relation to item 20 the Commission’s research area has published a summary of the parties’ positions to date with the issuing of this Statement.

[17] Parties will be provided with a further opportunity to comment on the issues in items 13, 19 and 21 of the revised summary of submissions after the revised Exposure Draft has been published.

[18] Parties will be provided with a further opportunity to comment in relation to the issues in items 3, 9 and 15 of the revised summary of submissions.

[19] Maritime Industry Australia Ltd (MIAL) agreed to seek further instructions in relation to items 4 and 17 of the revised summary of submissions, regarding temporary licenses, and in doing so was asked to consider decision [2013] FWCFB 8338. On 3 October 2016 MIAL filed a submission 4 and reiterated its position that the wording of clause 6 of the Exposure Draft creates potential for confusion. MIAL submitted:

[20] With respect to MIAL’s consideration of decision [2013] FWCFB 8338, it submitted as follows:

[21] In respect of item 9, the MUA was to provide a redraft of what was subclause 8.5(d) and did so in its submission 7 filed in the Commission on 28 September 2016. The MUA proposed that clause 8.5 read as follows:

Next steps

[22] Revised exposure drafts have been published for the Dredging Industry Award 2010; Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award 2010; and Seagoing Industry Award 2010 with the issuing of this Statement.

[23] Draft directions setting out the process for dealing with the outstanding technical and drafting matters identified in this Statement in respect of the modern awards named at paragraph [22] are set out at Attachment 6. Any comments on the draft directions, or on the reports attached, including any corrections, are to be provided by no later than 4.00pm on Monday 14 November 2016. Final directions will be issued thereafter.

[24] All material should be sent to amod@fwc.gov.au.



Fair Work Act 2009
s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards


Dredging industry



4 yearly review of modern awards – Dredging Industry Award 2010.

[1] On 4 August 2016 a conference was held to discuss the revised summary of submissions (the revised summary) published on 24 June 2016 in relation to the review of the Dredging Industry Award 2010 (Dredging Award). The transcript of the conference proceedings is available on the Review website (AM2014/223). The following parties appeared before the Commission at the conference:

[2] The following items in the revised summary were discussed at the conference:

Next steps

[3] A revised Exposure Draft, further revised summary of submissions and findings in relation to the research undertaken in respect of item 13 8 have been published with the issuing of this report.

[4] Draft directions setting out the process for dealing with the outstanding technical and drafting matters are set out at Attachment 6. Any comments on the draft directions are to be filed by no later than 4.00pm on Monday 14 November 2016. Final directions will be issued thereafter.


2—Report – Marine Towage Award 2010


Fair Work Act 2009
s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards


Ports authorities



4 yearly review of modern awards – Marine Towage Award 2010.

[1] On 4 August 2016 a conference was held to discuss the revised summary of submissions (the revised summary) published on 24 June 2016 in relation to the review of the Marine Towage Award 2010. The transcript of the conference proceedings is available on the Review website (AM2014/235). Maritime Industry Australia Ltd and the Maritime Union of Australia appeared before the Commission at the conference.

[2] The following items in the revised summary were discussed at the conference:

[3] Item 6 of the revised summary was not discussed as this issue was resolved at the mention held on 6 June 2016 – no change to the Exposure Draft is required in relation to this issue.

Next steps

[4] The Commission will publish a revised Exposure Draft following the determination of the coverage matter (items 1, 2 and 3 of the revised summary) by the Full Bench in matter AM2016/5. That matter was listed 9 for hearing on 24 and 25 October 2016. All questions will be removed from the revised Exposure draft and parties will be provided with a final opportunity to comment.


3—Report –
Port Authorities Award 2010


Fair Work Act 2009
s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards


Ports authorities



4 yearly review of modern awards – Port Authorities Award 2010.

[1] On 4 August 2016 a conference was held to discuss the revised summary of submissions published on 24 June 2016 in relation to the review of the Port Authorities Award 2010. The transcript of the conference proceedings is available on the Review website (AM2014/240). The following parties appeared before the Commission at the conference:

[2] There was one matter outstanding (item 5) for discussion at the conference and the parties confirmed that they are content to rely on the written submissions already filed in respect of this matter.

Next steps

[3] The Full Bench will determine the matter raised in respect of item 5 on the basis of the submissions already filed without the need for an oral hearing. A revised Exposure Draft will be published thereafter and parties will be provided with a final opportunity to comment.


4—Report –
Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award 2010


Fair Work Act 2009
s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards


Ports authorities



4 yearly review of modern awards – Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award 2010.

[1] On 4 August 2016 a conference was held to discuss the revised summary of submissions (the revised summary) published on 24 June 2016 in relation to the review of the Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award 2010 (Ports Award). The transcript of the conference proceedings is available on the Review website (AM2014/241). The following parties appeared before the Commission at the conference:

[2] The following items in the revised summary were discussed at the conference:

[3] The following items were not discussed at the conference, however were previously discussed at the 6 June 2016 mention:

Next steps

[4] A revised Exposure Draft, further revised summary of submissions and summary of the parties’ positions in respect of item 20 have been published with the issuing of this report.

[5] Draft directions setting out the process for dealing with the outstanding technical and drafting matters are set out at Attachment 6. Any comments on the draft directions are to be filed by no later than 4.00pm on Monday 14 November 2016. Final directions will be issued thereafter.


5—Report –
Seagoing Industry Award 2010


Fair Work Act 2009
s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards


Maritime industry



4 yearly review of modern awards – Seagoing Industry Award 2010.

[1] On 4 August 2016 a conference in relation to the review of the Seagoing Industry Award 2010 (Seagoing Award) was held to discuss the revised summary of submissions (the revised summary) published on 24 June 2016. The transcript of the conference proceedings is available on the Review website (AM2014/243). The following parties appeared before the Commission at the conference:

[2] The following items in the revised summary were discussed at the conference:

With respect to MIAL’s consideration of decision [2013] FWCFB 8338, it submitted as follows:

(1) The minimum hours of rest for a seafarer must be:

(2) The minimum hours of rest may be divided into 2 periods, of which 1 period must be at least 6 hours.
(3) The interval between consecutive periods of rest must not exceed 14 hours.

[3] Item 16 was not discussed at the conference however, it was discussed briefly at the mention on 6 June 2016 14 at which time it was confirmed no amendment is required.

Next steps

[4] Item 18 will be referred to the Alleged NES Inconsistencies Full Bench (AM2014/1) and the matter will be listed for mention. Following the mention, directions for the filing of further submissions will be issued by that Full Bench.

[5] A revised Exposure Draft and further revised summary of submissions have been published with the issuing of this report.

[6] Draft directions setting out the process for dealing with the outstanding technical and drafting matters are set out at Attachment 6. Any comments on the draft directions are to be filed by no later than 4.00pm on Monday 14 November 2016. Final directions will be issued thereafter.


Attachment 6
—Draft directions


Fair Work Act 2009

s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards—Award stage – sub-group 3C
(AM2014/223, AM2014/241, AM2014/243)



4 yearly review of modern awards - award stage - sub-group 3C - Maritime Awards.

Further to the conference on 4 August 2016, it is directed that:

1. On or before 4.00 pm on Monday 21 November 2016, interested parties are to file in the Commission any comments they may have in relation to the accuracy of the revised exposure drafts and further revised summaries of submissions published in respect of the Dredging Industry Award 2010; Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award 2010; and Seagoing Industry Award 2010 on 31 October 2016. In doing so, interested parties are to identify:

2. Where an interested party asserts, pursuant to direction 1(iii), that a clause in the revised Exposure Draft has a different legal effect to the corresponding modern award, that party is to specify:

3. On or before 4.00 pm on Monday 5 December 2016 interested parties are to file written submissions and any evidence in support of the outstanding claims identified in their submissions filed in accordance with direction 1.

4. On or before 4.00 pm on Monday 19 December 2016 interested parties are to file written submissions and any evidence in reply.

5. The Full Bench will determine the matters on the basis of the material filed pursuant to these directions without an oral hearing unless a hearing is requested by any party.

6. If a hearing in this matter is requested by any party, such request must be made in writing by no later than 4.00 pm on Friday 22 December 2016.

7. All material should be sent to amod@fwc.gov.au.

8. Liberty to apply.


Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer

 1   FWC Correspondence – 7 October 2016.

 2   MUA submission – aggregate wage calculation – 17 October 2016.

 3   Item 13 – Higher duties provision – research – 31 October 2016.

 4   MIAL Submission - revised summary of submissions - items 4 and 17 3 October 2016.

 5   Ibid at paras 6 and 8.

 6   Ibid at paras 9–10.

 7   MUA Submission - revised summary of submissions - item 9 28 September 2016.

 8   Item 13 – Higher duties provision – research – 31 October 2016.


Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer

<Price code C, PR586926>

Notice of listing – 24 and 25 October 2016

 10   MIAL Submission - revised summary of submissions - items 4 and 17 3 October 2016.

 11   Ibid at paras 6 and 8.

 12   Ibid at paras 9–10.

 13   MUA Submission - revised summary of submissions - item 9 28 September 2016.

 14   See Transcript – 6 June 2016 at PN 360–361.