[2016] FWC 8551

The attached document replaces the document previously issued with the above code on 29 November 2016.

‘2016’ has been removed from paragraph 4 and replaced by ‘2017’.

Jo Richardson

Associate to Justice Ross

Dated 30 November 2016

[2016] FWC 8551


Fair Work Act 2009

s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards – Group 4 Awards – Aged Care Award 2010 and Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010
(AM2014/251 & AM2014/285)



[1] On 29 September 2016, Directions were issued vacating the Directions of 26 August 2016 (the ‘August Directions’) in respect of the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (‘SCHCDS Award’) as substantive claims in that award were the subject of conciliation conferences before Deputy President Booth.

[2] In correspondence dated 29 September 2016, Leading Aged Care Services requested the August Directions be vacated in respect of the Aged Care Award as substantive claims in that award were similar to those being pursued by parties to the SCHCDS Award. Directions were issued on 13 October 2016 vacating the August Directions in respect of the Aged Care Award.

[3] On 21 November 2016 a Mention 1 was held in respect of the Aged Care Award and the SCHCDS Award. Interested parties reported on the status of conciliation conferences before Deputy President Booth. The Directions set out below were discussed and generally agreed at the Mention.

[4] On or before 4:00 pm Friday 3 February 2017, interested parties to the Aged Care Award and the SCHCDS Award are to file a joint report setting out:

[5] Mr Robson of United Voice is the contact person on behalf of employee organisations to the Aged Care Award and the SCHCDS Award.

[6] Ms Zadel of the Australian Federation of Employers and Industries is the contact person for employer organisations in respect of the SCHDCS Award and Mr Liggins of Aged & Community Services is the employer organisations’ contact in respect of the Aged Care Award.

[7] The matter will be listed for Mention in Melbourne at 1:00 pm Tuesday 7 February 2017. A Notice of Listing will follow shortly.

[8] All requests for video link should be sent to chambers.ross.j@fwc.gov.au.

[9] Liberty to apply.


 1   Transcript 21 November 2016.

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